Food is important in the faerie realm. Court faeries are always feasting during their revels and hold sumptuous feasts of food. This food, though fine for faerie consumption, is not so good for mortals. If a human were to eat this food he or she may never be able to eat mortal food again. Even if he or she manages to make it home once again (which may not even happen. Getting drunk on the food or drink may make the person forget their home and stay in faerie forever more), their taste for faerie food will have spoiled for them the food they need to sustain themselves and will wither away inexplicably to friends and family.

There is also the belief that faerie food is just glamoured mushrooms or rotten apples.
Food is not only faerie to human, but human to faerie as well. To make peace with faeries, or to make friends, some people leave out a saucer of milk or some sugar at night for the faerie to take, almost like a peace treaty.
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