Fairy day is a day for lovers of fairies to take joy in the everyday magic in their lives. To reflect on their love of fairies and to share that love with others.
This is a great website dedicated to fairy day. It has games, activities for young and old, ideas, and free ecards to send around to friends to celebrate the day.
This paragraph is from the fairyday.com website and tells us just what to do on fairy day
What can you do to support Fairy Day? First and foremost, take a moment that day to remember the magic you knew as a child. In the midst of your busy schedule, take a good look around you, and see the beauty that lies in even the simple things. Go for a walk outside, smell a flower, hum a tune to yourself or dance under the stars. If you have a special friend who loves fairies, send them a fairy card, or a fairy gift. Have a fairy circle and talk about the history of fairies in ancient cultures. Tell a child a magical fairy tale and watch their eyes light up with pure innocence. Those of us here in charge of the official Fairy Day web site want you to simply remember that even in this mundane world, there is magic all around you.
This is where all of the activities are on the website http://www.fairyday.com/celebrate.htm
Have a great fairy day everyone!!
Wow, and so I thought that today is just the feast of St. John the Baptist and nothing more.
ReplyDeleteHappy fairy day!!
lol I had no idea! we both learned of a new notable day :P Happy feast of st. john the baptist!